Our water professionals share how they contribute to bringing high-quality water to your tap.
Despite the planet containing a seemingly abundance of water, only 1 percent of all the water on Earth consists of fresh water available to drink. The EPA designated August as Water Quality Month to raise awareness about the importance of water and to protect water sources.
At Connecticut Water, the most important thing we do each day is provide you with clean, reliable drinking water you can trust. Our dedicated team of trained water professionals protect water sources, treat drinking water to meet health standards and test throughout the delivery system to make sure we meet those standards.
Water quality starts with the source. Connecticut Water owns and maintains more than 6,500 acres of protected watershed land. Our teams also regularly inspect more than 4,000 privately owned properties in public water supply watershed areas for any conditions that could impact the quality of the water supply.
From the source, we operate and maintain our water system with dedicated employees, licensed in water treatment and distribution and available to meet our customers’ needs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. From treatment plants, water flows through nearly 1,900 miles of pipe throughout the distribution system.
We treat and test your water at the source, during and after the treatment process, and in the distribution system to verify that the water meets, or is better than, state and federal drinking water standards. We conduct more than 170,000 water quality tests each year on more than 120 water quality parameters. You can view the water quality test results at ctwater.com/quality.