Connecticut Water hosted hikes for Trails Day in Tolland and Killingworth
Thanks to everyone who came out for the Trails Day hikes in Tolland and Killingworth!
Visitors traversed a variety of habitats while discovering the natural beauty of watershed lands with Connecticut Water employee volunteers.
Watersheds support life in a variety of ways – from providing habitat for plants and animals living directly in the watershed to channeling water to the sources used for drinking water in homes. The two hiking trails on Connecticut Water properties allow the public to enjoy the outdoors while not impacting water quality, with Connecticut Department of Public Health approval.
High quality drinking water starts at the source. Connecticut Water owns and maintains 6,500 acres of watershed land as permanent open space to protect water sources. Protecting the source of drinking water reduces the need, and associated costs, of complex water treatment by reducing exposure to sources of contamination while also maintaining the availability and quantity of water supplies.
Protecting the watershed also benefits the environment by protecting water for wildlife and recreational use. Both trails provide visitors with great opportunities to see a variety of wildlife. Connecticut Water staff regularly see eagles, osprey, songbirds, deer, snakes and much more.
If you missed the trails day hikes, you can always check out the trails on your own. Connecticut Water offers hiking trails at two of our properties.
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